
I’m trulla (not my real name, but a nickname that’s used in real life for about 10-15 years now – damn, I’m old) and I just scratched the Big Four (I told you, I’m old).

On a cold and dark February day in 2012 I stood in front of the essence nail polish counter at my local dm drugstore and thought, damn, when did nail polish get so fantastic and tools to do nail art so easily available?!

And with that, I bought the first colored nail polish in ages and my obsession with nail art began. You can see the results on this blog.

I usually paint my nails once or twice a week, depending on wear and how much I like the result.

I love gradients, glitters and doticures, but still suck at anything freehanded.

I’m more than happy if you leave a comment, both english or german will be fine.

If you want to contact me, you can do so at trullalack AT gmail DOT com

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